Signum’s Permanent Test

How to Use the Signum TestNet

The purpose of TestNet is to provide a sandbox so that users, developers, and exchange integration technicians can test and experiment with Signum features without remorse.  For assistance with TestNet, visit us on the Signum Discord server in the #testnet channel.

The most important rule in TestNet:  NEVER USE YOUR REAL PASSPHRASE


  • Install the latest released version of the Signum Node.  This can be found on GitHub.

Edit/add the following in the conf/ file:  These settings are the recommended minimum changes/additions needed to operate a TestNet node


If you need a private TestNet, such as for developing future revisions that might require a fork of the current chain, change the value of DEV.P2P.BootstrapPeers to the value of your localhost.

For access to another TestNet peer without installing your own, see the list of TestNet public nodes below.  To use a specific peer, change the IP address accordingly.

To reset your peer using the default H2 database:

  • Remove all files under the db folder.

To reset your peer using the MariaDB database:

  • Stop the node and execute the following in a terminal:  mysql -u root
  • Once in the MySQL shell, execute the following commands (assuming $yourdatabase is your database’s name and $youruser is your user).
  • CREATE DATABASE $yourdatabase;

Current TestNet facilities

TestNet public nodes: Select for the following list.


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