Signum Miner / Scavenger Installation

Signum Miner

  • A miner written in Rust. It features direct io, avx512f, avx2, avx, sse, and OpenCL
  • Submits only the best deadline each round, reducing network traffic and stress on pool operations.  (Submitting progressively smaller deadlines is no longer relevant after the Sodium hard fork.)
  • Principal Developer: PoC Consortium
  • Platform: Windows, Linux

Basic Instructions for Windows:

Note:  Plot files are a prerequisite for Signum mining.  If you have not already created your plot files, see the plotting software section in the software library.  If you will be pool mining, execute the reward assignment transaction now to be in effect when you begin mining.  Editing a YAML file is identical to opening and editing a text file.  It is easy to restore it to default and start over if mistakes are made.

  • Create a new folder called «Signum Miner» in any location of your computer, such as desktop or C: drive.
  • Download «signum-miner.exe» and «config.yaml» from the latest release and place them in the new folder.
  • Double-click on «signum-miner.exe».  Follow your system’s prompts to install.

Optional:  Make a backup copy of the config.yaml in the same folder for use if troubleshooting is needed later or you need to restore the default configuration.

  • With the miner closed, open the config file.
  • Edit the file according to the details in either the pool or solo configuration tab above.
  • Save and close the config file.

Double click on signum-miner.exe to begin mining.


  • If changes are made to the config file while the miner is running, the miner must be restarted for the configuration changes to take effect.
  • «HDD, wake up!»:  Powers up your hard drive anticipating a new round so that you can submit your deadlines as soon as possible after a round starts.
  • Pool mining: To verify that you are mining successfully on a pool, look for your miner on the pool’s website.
  • To verify your reward assignment setup, locate the reward assignment transaction in your wallet and verify the details listed.
  • Reward assignments become effective after 4 confirmations (4 blocks); this takes an average of 16 minutes.
  • If your mining pool does not list block winners, you can find blocks you have won in a block explorer (see online services).

To configure the Signum miner for pool mining:

  • for pool mining, do not add numeric id and passphrase to «account id to secret phrase».  Leave these lines as they are.
  • under plot dirs, adjust one or more of the lines under plot dirs to point to your plot files.
  • under url, adjust the url within the quote marks to the url provided by your selected pool.
  • no other changes are necessary.

account_id_to_secret_phrase: # define accounts and passphrases for solo mining
10282355196851764065: ‘glad suffer red during single glow shut slam hill death lust although’ # Bold’s example wallet
1796535821016683299: ‘stand rude those door invite reflection anywhere lace safe hidden fur horrible’ # Johnny’s example wallet

# List of directories with your plot files, adjust to suit your disks
– ‘D:\plot\dir‘ # Sample Windows directory
– ‘E:\plot\dir’ # Sample Windows directory
– ‘/mnt/hd1/plot/dir’ # Sample Linux directory
– ‘/mnt/hd1/plot/dir’ # Sample Linux directory

url: ‘‘ # mainnet pool
#url: ‘’ # testnet pool
#url: ‘http://localhost:8125’ # solo mining
#url: ‘http://localhost:8125’ # solo mining testnet
#url: ‘http://localhost:6876’ # solo mining testnet

No changes are needed beyond this point

hdd_reader_thread_count: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of disks)
hdd_use_direct_io: true # default true
hdd_wakeup_after: 240 # default 240s

cpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of logical cpu cores)
cpu_worker_task_count: 4 # default 4 (0=GPU only)
cpu_nonces_per_cache: 65536 # default 65536
cpu_thread_pinning: false # default false

gpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=GPU off)
gpu_platform: 0 # default 0
gpu_device: 0 # default 0
gpu_worker_task_count: 0 # default 0 (=CPU only)
gpu_nonces_per_cache: 262144 # default 262144
gpu_mem_mapping: false # default false
gpu_async: false # default false

target_deadline: 31536000 # default 31536000 (1 year)
account_id_to_target_deadline: # target dls for multi-id (optional)
10282355196851764065: 600000
1796535821016683299: 55555555

get_mining_info_interval: 3000 # default 3000ms
timeout: 5000 # default 5000ms
send_proxy_details: true # default false
submit_only_best: true # default true
#additional_headers: # add/overwrite html header
# «AccountKey» : «1234567890»

console_log_level: ‘info’ # default Info, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_log_level: ‘warn’ # default Warn, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_max_count: 10 # maximum number of log files to keep
logfile_max_size : 20 # maximum size per logfile in MiB

show_progress: true # default true
show_drive_stats: false # default false
benchmark_only: ‘disabled’ # default disabled, options (disabled, I/O, XPU)

# Low noise log patterns
console_log_pattern: «{({d(%H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):16.16} {m}{n}»
logfile_log_pattern: «{({d(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):26.26} {m}{n}»

# More detailed log patterns
#console_log_pattern: «{d(%H:%M:%S.%3f%z)} [{h({l}):<5}] [{T}] [{t}] – {M}:{m}{n}»
#logfile_log_pattern: «{d(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3f%z)} [{h({l}):<5}] [{T}]-[{t}] [{f}:{L}] – {M}:{m}{n}»

To configure the signum miner for solo mining:

  • delete the lines shown with a strike-through.  Alternative: place a hash symbol at the beginning of these lines to «comment out».
  • delete the hash symbol shown in purple.
  • adjust the items shown in red.  (numeric id, passphrase, and path to your plot file folder)
  • preserve the two spaces preceding numeric id.



account_id_to_secret_phrase: # define accounts and passphrases for solo mining
  10282355196851764065: ‘glad suffer red during single glow shut slam hill death lust although’ # Bold’s example wallet
  1796535821016683299: ‘stand rude those door invite reflection anywhere lace safe hidden fur horrible‘ # Johnny’s example wallet

# List of directories with your plot files, adjust to suit your disks
– ‘D:\plot\dir‘ # Sample Windows directory
– ‘E:\plot\dir’ # Sample Windows directory
– ‘/mnt/hd1/plot/dir’ # Sample Linux directory
– ‘/mnt/hd1/plot/dir’ # Sample Linux directory

url: ‘’ # mainnet pool
#url: ‘’ # testnet pool
#url: ‘http://localhost:8125’ # solo mining
#url: ‘http://localhost:8125’ # solo mining testnet
#url: ‘http://localhost:6876’ # solo mining testnet

No changes are needed beyond this point

hdd_reader_thread_count: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of disks)
hdd_use_direct_io: true # default true
hdd_wakeup_after: 240 # default 240s

cpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of logical cpu cores)
cpu_worker_task_count: 4 # default 4 (0=GPU only)
cpu_nonces_per_cache: 65536 # default 65536
cpu_thread_pinning: false # default false

gpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=GPU off)
gpu_platform: 0 # default 0
gpu_device: 0 # default 0
gpu_worker_task_count: 0 # default 0 (=CPU only)
gpu_nonces_per_cache: 262144 # default 262144
gpu_mem_mapping: false # default false
gpu_async: false # default false

target_deadline: 31536000 # default 31536000 (1 year)
account_id_to_target_deadline: # target dls for multi-id (optional)
10282355196851764065: 600000
1796535821016683299: 55555555

get_mining_info_interval: 3000 # default 3000ms
timeout: 5000 # default 5000ms
send_proxy_details: true # default false
submit_only_best: true # default true
#additional_headers: # add/overwrite html header
# «AccountKey» : «1234567890»

console_log_level: ‘info’ # default Info, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_log_level: ‘warn’ # default Warn, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_max_count: 10 # maximum number of log files to keep
logfile_max_size : 20 # maximum size per logfile in MiB

show_progress: true # default true
show_drive_stats: false # default false
benchmark_only: ‘disabled’ # default disabled, options (disabled, I/O, XPU)

# Low noise log patterns
console_log_pattern: «{({d(%H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):16.16} {m}{n}»
logfile_log_pattern: «{({d(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):26.26} {m}{n}»

# More detailed log patterns
#console_log_pattern: «{d(%H:%M:%S.%3f%z)} [{h({l}):<5}] [{T}] [{t}] – {M}:{m}{n}»
#logfile_log_pattern: «{d(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3f%z)} [{h({l}):<5}] [{T}]-[{t}] [{f}:{L}] – {M}:{m}{n}»


Basic Instructions for Windows:

Note:  Plot files are a prerequisite for Signum mining.  If you have not already created your plot files, see the plotting software section in the software library.  If you will be pool mining, execute the reward assignment transaction now so that it will be in effect when you begin mining.  If you are new to editing YAML files, there is no need to be intimidated.  The process is identical to opening and editing a text file.  If mistakes are made, it is easy to restore it to default and start over.

Download and unzip the latest version for your operating system. Place the folder in any location on your computer such as the desktop or C: drive. Open the folder and double-click on the Scavenger application.  Follow your system’s prompts to install.

Open the folder that contains Scavenger.

  • Optional:  Double click on the Scavenger application file to test the installation using the included test data.  Be sure to close Scavenger after testing.
  • Optional:  Make a copy of the included config file (file type is YAML) in the same directory for use if troubleshooting is needed later or you need to restore the default configuration.

With the miner closed ( not running ), open the config file. ( It will likely open in notepad. )

  • Edit the file according to the details shown in either the pool or solo configuration tab above.
  • Save and close the config file.

Double click on scavenger to begin mining.


  • If changes are made to the config file while the miner is running, the miner must be restarted for the configuration changes to take effect.
  • «HDD, wake up!»:  This powers up your hard drive anticipating a new round so that you can submit your deadlines as soon as possible after a round starts.
  • Pool mining: To verify that you are mining successfully on a pool, look for your miner on the pool’s website.
  • To verify your reward assignment setup, locate the reward assignment transaction in your wallet and verify the details listed.
  • Reward assignments become effective after 4 confirmations (4 blocks); this takes an average of 16 minutes.
  • If your mining pool does not list block winners, you can find blocks that you have won in a block explorer ( see online services ).

For more detailed instructions:  See

To configure the Scavenger miner for pool mining:

  • for pool mining, do not add numeric id and passphrase to «account id to secret phrase».  Leave these lines as they are.
  • under plot dirs, adjust one or more of the lines under plot dirs to point to your plot files.
  • under url, adjust the url within the quote marks to the url provided by your selected pool.
  • no other changes are necessary.

account_id_to_secret_phrase: # define accounts and passphrases for solo mining
  10282355196851764065: ‘glad suffer red during single glow shut slam hill death lust although’
  1796535821016683299: ‘stand rude those door invite reflection anywhere lace safe hidden fur horrible’

– ‘test_data’
# – ‘C:\second\windows\plot\dir
# – ‘/first/linux/plot/dir’
# – ‘/second/linux/plot/dir’

url: ‘ pool mining (BMF pool as example)
#url: ‘’ # solo mining with local wallet

No changes are needed beyond this point

hdd_reader_thread_count: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of disks)
hdd_use_direct_io: true # default true
hdd_wakeup_after: 240 # default 240s

cpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of logical cpu cores)
cpu_worker_task_count: 4 # default 4 (0=GPU only)
cpu_nonces_per_cache: 65536 # default 65536
cpu_thread_pinning: false # default false

gpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=GPU off)
gpu_platform: 0 # default 0
gpu_device: 0 # default 0
gpu_worker_task_count: 0 # default 0 (=CPU only)
gpu_nonces_per_cache: 262144 # default 262144
gpu_mem_mapping: false # default false
gpu_async: false # default false

target_deadline: 31536000 # default 31536000 (1 year)
account_id_to_target_deadline: # target dls for multi-id (optional)
10282355196851764065: 600000
1796535821016683299: 55555555

get_mining_info_interval: 3000 # default 3000ms
timeout: 5000 # default 5000ms
send_proxy_details: true # default false
#additional_headers: # add/overwrite html header
# «AccountKey» : «1234567890»

console_log_level: ‘info’ # default Info, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_log_level: ‘warn’ # default Warn, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_max_count: 10 # maximum number of log files to keep
logfile_max_size : 20 # maximum size per logfile in MiB

show_progress: true # default true
show_drive_stats: false # default false
benchmark_only: ‘disabled’ # default disabled, options (disabled, I/O, XPU)

# Low noise log patterns
console_log_pattern: «{({d(%H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):16.16} {m}{n}»
logfile_log_pattern: «{({d(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):26.26} {m}{n}»

# More detailed log patterns
#console_log_pattern: «{d(%H:%M:%S.%3f%z)} [{h({l}):<5}] [{T}] [{t}] – {M}:{m}{n}»
#logfile_log_pattern: «{d(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3f%z)} [{h({l}):<5}] [{T}]-[{t}] [{f}:{L}] – {M}:{m}{n}»

To configure for pool mining:

  • delete the lines shown with a strike-through
  • adjust the items shown in red. (path to your plot file folder, the URL of your selected pool)
  • delete the hash symbol shown in purple   


account_id_to_secret_phrase: # define accounts and passphrases for solo mining
  10282355196851764065: ‘glad suffer red during single glow shut slam hill death lust although’
  1796535821016683299: ‘stand rude those door invite reflection anywhere lace safe hidden fur horrible’

– ‘test_data’
# – ‘C:\second\windows\plot\dir
# – ‘/first/linux/plot/dir’
# – ‘/second/linux/plot/dir’

url: ‘ pool mining (BMF pool as example)
#url: ‘’ # solo mining with local wallet 

No changes are needed beyond this point

hdd_reader_thread_count: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of disks)
hdd_use_direct_io: true # default true
hdd_wakeup_after: 240 # default 240s

cpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of logical cpu cores)
cpu_worker_task_count: 4 # default 4 (0=GPU only)
cpu_nonces_per_cache: 65536 # default 65536
cpu_thread_pinning: false # default false

gpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=GPU off)
gpu_platform: 0 # default 0
gpu_device: 0 # default 0
gpu_worker_task_count: 0 # default 0 (=CPU only)
gpu_nonces_per_cache: 262144 # default 262144
gpu_mem_mapping: false # default false
gpu_async: false # default false

target_deadline: 31536000 # default 31536000 (1 year)
account_id_to_target_deadline: # target dls for multi-id (optional)
10282355196851764065: 600000
1796535821016683299: 55555555

get_mining_info_interval: 3000 # default 3000ms
timeout: 5000 # default 5000ms
send_proxy_details: true # default false
#additional_headers: # add/overwrite html header
# «AccountKey» : «1234567890»

console_log_level: ‘info’ # default Info, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_log_level: ‘warn’ # default Warn, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_max_count: 10 # maximum number of log files to keep
logfile_max_size : 20 # maximum size per logfile in MiB

show_progress: true # default true
show_drive_stats: false # default false
benchmark_only: ‘disabled’ # default disabled, options (disabled, I/O, XPU)

# Low noise log patterns
console_log_pattern: «{({d(%H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):16.16} {m}{n}»
logfile_log_pattern: «{({d(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):26.26} {m}{n}»

# More detailed log patterns
#console_log_pattern: «{d(%H:%M:%S.%3f%z)} [{h({l}):<5}] [{T}] [{t}] – {M}:{m}{n}»
#logfile_log_pattern: «{d(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3f%z)} [{h({l}):<5}] [{T}]-[{t}] [{f}:{L}] – {M}:{m}{n}»

To configure Scavenger for solo mining:

  • delete the lines shown with a strike-through.  Alternative: place a hash symbol at the beginning of these lines to «comment out».
  • delete the hash symbols shown in purple.
  • adjust the items shown in red.  (numeric id, passphrase, and path to your plot file folder)
  • preserve the two spaces preceding numeric id.

account_id_to_secret_phrase: # define accounts and passphrases for solo mining

  10282355196851764065: ‘glad suffer red during single glow shut slam hill death lust although’

  your numeric id: ‘type your 12 word passphrase between the opening and closing quotes

– ‘test_data’
# – ‘C:\second\windows\plot\dir
# – ‘/first/linux/plot/dir’
# – ‘/second/linux/plot/dir’

url: ‘’ # pool mining (BMF pool as example)
#url: ‘’ # solo mining with local wallet

Note: No changes are needed beyond this point

hdd_reader_thread_count: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of disks)
hdd_use_direct_io: true # default true
hdd_wakeup_after: 240 # default 240s

cpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=auto: number of logical cpu cores)
cpu_worker_task_count: 4 # default 4 (0=GPU only)
cpu_nonces_per_cache: 65536 # default 65536
cpu_thread_pinning: false # default false

gpu_threads: 0 # default 0 (=GPU off)
gpu_platform: 0 # default 0
gpu_device: 0 # default 0
gpu_worker_task_count: 0 # default 0 (=CPU only)
gpu_nonces_per_cache: 262144 # default 262144
gpu_mem_mapping: false # default false
gpu_async: false # default false

target_deadline: 31536000 # default 31536000 (1 year)
account_id_to_target_deadline: # target dls for multi-id (optional)
10282355196851764065: 600000
1796535821016683299: 55555555

get_mining_info_interval: 3000 # default 3000ms
timeout: 5000 # default 5000ms
send_proxy_details: true # default false
#additional_headers: # add/overwrite html header
# «AccountKey» : «1234567890»

console_log_level: ‘info’ # default Info, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_log_level: ‘warn’ # default Warn, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_max_count: 10 # maximum number of log files to keep
logfile_max_size : 20 # maximum size per logfile in MiB

show_progress: true # default true
show_drive_stats: false # default false
benchmark_only: ‘disabled’ # default disabled, options (disabled, I/O, XPU)

# Low noise log patterns
console_log_pattern: «{({d(%H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):16.16} {m}{n}»
logfile_log_pattern: «{({d(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):26.26} {m}{n}»

# More detailed log patterns
#console_log_pattern: «{d(%H:%M:%S.%3f%z)} [{h({l}):<5}] [{T}] [{t}] – {M}:{m}{n}»
#logfile_log_pattern: «{d(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3f%z)} [{h({l}):<5}] [{T}]-[{t}] [{f}:{L}] – {M}:{m}{n}»

{«result»:»Given block height does not match current blockchain height»,»request ProcessingTime»:0}
{Submission not accepted: height=885937, account=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, nonce=238693630, deadline=7648414}

This can happen when deadlines are submitted for a block that no longer exists due to a short-lived fork.  The node has rolled back a block, and normal operation will resume.  This is a normal occurrence that may happen several times a day.  There is no need to take any action.

May also indicate that your node is not fully synchronized.


message : {«result » : «Reward Recipient not set to pool» }

You may not have set your reward recipient for the pool on which you are attempting to mine, or you have not waited for the required 4 confirmation (blocks) before the reward recipient transaction is effective.

You would receive this error if the numeric id that you used to plot is different from the numeric id for the account that you use to set the reward assignment.  The numeric id used to create your plot files can be determined from the names of the plot files.


code: 0
message: {«errorCode»:4,»errorDescription»:»Incorrect \»deadline\»param not known»}
05:58:59 [ERROR] submission not accepted: height=887353, account=12748169713133951072, nonce=21085114, deadline=12698610

One cause for this error is an incorrect numeric ID in your configuration file when solo mining.

These instructions are only for those who prefer installing Scavenger by compiling from the source code.  Advanced users only.


Scavenger is a Signum miner developed by the PoC Consortium and written in Rust.  It features direct io, avx 512f, avx2, avx, sse, and OpenCL support. Scavenger is the preferred miner of choice for both CPU and GPU mining at the time of writing.

The following steps are to install Scavenger 1.6.4 by compiling from source on a fresh installation of Debian Linux version 9 «Stretch». Please be sure to check Git Repository for the latest release before proceeding.

Note: Commands to be entered into the shell are formatted in bold text, e.g.:


example command outputs will not be bold, e.g.:

Wed 28 Nov 12:02:18 GMT 2018


Before you begin the installation, the following packages need to be installed:

  • curl
  • git
  • build-essential

Change to root user:


Enter root password

Install curl, git, and build essential packages:

apt install curl git build-essential -y

Once the above packages have completed installation, install Rust.

Note: The features used when compiling Scavenger are not available on the stable release channel of rust; therefore, the nightly channel needs to be installed.

Installing Rust (nightly)

To install Rust, run the following command:

curl -sSf | sh

You will be presented with three options (see below):

Current installation options: default host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu default toolchain: stable modify PATH variable: yes1) Proceed with installation (default)2) Customize installation3) Cancel installation>

To install the nightly channel chose option 2; this will ask you additional questions, answer as per below:

Q: Default host triple?A: Press enter to leave unchanged

Q: Default toolchain? (stable/beta/nightly/none)A: nightly

Q: Modify PATH variable? (y/n)A: y

You will be presented with a summary of the current installation options as per your answers provided above:

Current installation options: default host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu default toolchain: nightly modify PATH variable: yes1) Proceed with installation (default)2) Customize installation3) Cancel installation

Choose option 1 to install

Once installation is complete, follow the instructions to configure your current terminal sessions’ environment variable so that you can run Rust related commands:

source $HOME/.cargo/env

Switching from Rust (stable) to Rust (nightly)

If you chose to or already have the stable channel of rust installed, you can switch channels by using the following command:

rustup default nightly

To confirm the installation of the correct channel of Rust, type the following:

rustc –version

This should give you the output below; note the «nightly» present (version correct at time of writing):

rustc 1.32.0-nightly (6bfb46e4a 2018-11-26)

Obtaining the source files

To download the source files from the Git repository, run the following command (please make sure to check the exact path to the latest version as this will change as later versions are released) :


This will download the file to your current directory.

Extract the contents of the zip file:


This will create a new directory named scavenger-1.6.4.

Compiling the source files

Navigate to the scavenger-1.6.4 directory

cd scavenger-1.6.4

At this point, it is worth deciding whether you will be using a CPU or a GPU to mine.  Also, what instruction sets are available on your device. See the file located in the scavenger-1.6.4 directory for an overview of features to use.

In this example, a CPU with the SSE2 instruction set will be used; therefore, the simd feature option is required (the same would work for AVX, AVX2, etc.). Run the following command to compile the code:

cargo build –release –features=simd

Post compiling steps

Copy the scavenger executable to the scavenger-1.6.4 directory (two levels up in this case). This placed it in the same directory as the config.yaml file, which is required for it to run.

cp scavenger ../../scavenger

Navigate back to your scavenger-1.6.4 directory from the release directory

cd ../..

At this point, you can run scavenger, and it will make use of the test_data<span»> file to simulate mining on the

Once you know it will run, you will need to configure the config.yaml file to your setup. The config file itself is well commented, and the GitHub Wiki has further information if required.

Additional notes

If the above steps were followed verbatim, all the scavenger files would be owned by root. It is not recommended to run as root, so we will change the owner to a regular user, «burst» in this case. From the directory a level up from your scavenger-1.6.4 directory run:

chown -R burst:burst scavenger-1.6.4

This will recursively change ownership to the user «burst» for all files and subdirectories within the scavenger-1.6.4 directory.

to log out of root type:


You are now back at the shell as your normal user (burst). You can now run scavenger by issuing the following command from the scavenger-1.6.4 directory:


Example output from running scavenger



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